with Field Reporter Fiammeta Castelon
October is a busy month with plenty to keep one in the social scene. From festivals, to private parties, and tavern nights! However, before we go over the details of where the who's who will want to be this month I would like to pay some special attention to Hallow's End.
Originally Hallow's End was a celebration for the end of the harvest, with its roots in Lordaeron tradition. But I think most can attest, it's garnered a much wider and varied audience in our present day. For instance, the Forsaken have adopted this holiday and made it something very much their own. Celebrating with their mysterious Wickerman rituals, which I have been privileged to witness for myself a time or two. The following is an on scene report taken from last year's ritual:
Note: All quotations translated from their original Gutterspeak, for the ease of the reader.
I arrived outside the ruins of Lordaeron near seven forty-five in the evening. Covered in moss and twigs, I blended in well with the log I chose to set up behind. Down the slope before me I could spy the enormous Wickerman, guarded on either side by abominations. A loud cry rang out from the city.
“The burning of the Wickerman will begin in fifteen minutes! Come to the festival – located just west of the Undercity – and celebrate Hallow's End and our liberation from the Scourge!”
Yes, that is what the Forsaken come together to celebrate, their freedom. It has been approximately seven years since they broke free of the will of the Lich King.
At eight o'clock the Banshee Queen herself arrived. A chilling figure full of poise and dark power, she addressed her subjects in a booming voice as the Wickerman was set aflame. Orange and gold flames licked the dark sky.
“Children of the Night, heed your Queen's call! I join you in celebration of this most revered of nights – the night we Forsaken broke the scourge's yoke of oppression! It is this night that our enemies fear us the most. It is THIS night that we show our enemies what it means to stand against the Forsaken! We burn the effigy of Wickerman as symbol of our struggle against those who would oppose us. We wear the ashes of the burnt Wickerman as a symbol of our never ending fight against those who would enslave us. Now is the time to shake the world to its foundations! NOW is the time to remind those who would enslave us that we shall never yield! NOW is the time of the Forsaken! Power to the Forsaken – NOW AND FOREVER!!!”
After he had burned for some time and they echoed her cries, those present began to smear the ashes of the Wickerman over themselves. Believing that this will give them a blessing.
A chilling ritual, to be sure and also one that we should be able to respect. Do not all races deserve to enjoy their freedom? Certain individuals attempt to disrupt the Wickerman Festival from time to time, but the horde retaliates with their own distractions. Stink bombs released in the town of Southshore. Attempting to neutralize these rancid bombs keeps the hands of pranksters occupied.
Our own Alliance celebrations are now predominately touched by the magical and
whimsical. Apple bobbing, gathering candy door to door for the orphans, obtaining magical wands that transform us into all manner of ridiculous things. But there is a shadow over this merry making, The Headless Horseman.
Flying atop his nightmare steed, he hurtles flaming pumpkins at those below. Most citizens, be they Alliance or Horde, have been called on one Hallow's End or another to aid in putting out the fires he spreads in Goldshire, Kharanos, Azure Watch, Razhor Hill, Brill, and Falconwing Square.
His harsh laughter echoes in the air with his familiar cries, “Prepare yourselves the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Each of you shall pay the final sum! Cry for mercy; the reckoning has come!”
Most fear the coming of The Headless Horseman, but few look past the figure he now is. Is he some unknown demon, brought upon us? Or was he indeed, once a man. This question has plagued me, but after a trail beginning with the Scarlet Emissary to Stormwind and ending in the now hostile Monastery itself, I was finally able to uncover some answers.
The Headless Horseman was born one Tom Thomson. Few records still survive detailing the life of this man. But several facts remain. He was a Knight of the Silver Hand, who supposedly witnessed Baron Rivendare's betrayal in sending plagued grain to a village he was defending, among other atrocities. He eventually wound up with the Scarlet Crusade where, it is safe to assume, he began to go mad with zeal. Records state that he accidentally killed his own family when on a raid after which he lost any lingering sanity. Believing that he was the only that could save humanity he killed many of his comrades before he was stopped and beheaded.
Little remains beyond this death record. Nothing to explain why Sir Tom Thomson was cursed to rise each year. Still perhaps, believing that he is the only man left living in a world of undead he must purge. When it is truly he who has become the monster.
Enough of such subjects, though. Let us turn to focusing on the festive side of the season!
If you're fond of Brew, I highly recommend stopping in the snows outside Iron Forge. Brew Fest is in full swing and will be until the 5th of October! Personally I find it to be a little too “noisy.” But some of you like that type of thing. All the complimentary booze you can handle, specialty brews from a variety of vendors. And don't forget the drunken ram racing.
For those that prefer a different form of atmosphere for their brew consumption there are of course a variety of privately run taverns to be had as well. The Wayward Son tavern is located in the Park District of Stormwind. It opens every Monday from seven o'clock to nine in the evening and every Tuesday from six o'clock to eight in the evening. The Sword and Stein shares the same building and runs Thursdays from seven o'clock to nine in the evening. And of course there is Wyrmhearth over in Thelsamar, Loch Modan open every Saturday at seven o'clock in the evening.
If spinning a tale, or singing a ballad is more your style the Bardic Circle will be meeting again soon. The first Wednesday of every month folks gather around Beggar's Haunt, Duskwood. Sadly I was unable to discover what time this happens. But you can always contact Rublestrasza for more details!
The premier event of the season, in my opinion, will be the Third Annual Spooktacular. Hosted by the “Big Bad Wolf” this celebration will showcase some of the best aspects of Hallow's End. Guests are asked to arrive in costume and awards are given for best dressed at the end of the evening. Other awards are given for “Scariest Story” and the “Three-Legged” Race. And as with any event backed by the Servitors of Lothar, guests can expect free food and drink and likely dancing. The Spooktacular will take place in Raven Hill, Duskwood on the 23rd of October at seven o'clock in the evening.
Whatever you choose to do with your holiday, I pray you do it with the utmost enjoyment!