Re: Turning Blue in Stormwind - Letters to the Editor October Issue
The Son used to have a Stag Night, but as the people who ran it have moved on to only working the bar one night a week, it's been rather hard to specialize and theme these things. Furthermore... every last one of the dancers that used to cater to your sort have all gone and gotten themselves pregnant. So, unless you've a thing for stretchmarks and sagging breasts, I'd suggest oogling the sweet young teal haired thing that runs the bar twice a month (I've actually heard that she's single now too!) or you could always head on down to Goldshire and choke a few chickens.
- Brew-Dancer, Westguard Keep
Re: A Haunting Season - October Issue
It’s horrible of you to bring suspicions on all these innocent places. And that picture from the Blue Recluse is OBVIOUSLY altered!
- Naysayer, Northshire
I’ve seen these children myself! Indecent if you ask me. Where are there parents at while they’re out worshipping Light knows what?!
- Sally Gordon, Goldshire
Re: Getting Down to Nuts and Bolts - October Issue
I’ll have you know I am a goblin with ALL of my fingers. I’ve seen more one-eyed gnomes!
- GoblinsForEver, Gadgetzan
Re: Ask Asteris - October Issue
In regards to Horribly Confused, I believe you give terrible advise! What self respecting woman would share a man she loves? I agree that fighting would raise a ruckus, but sharing is worse! Not only will the woman in question be unable to ever respect herself again if she chose to follow your advice and share, but no one else around would respect her either. Horribly Confused, I think you should drop the guy like the boar he is and find someone who will love you right back with all his heart! Editor, I think you should screen your advise column better!
- Sharing isn’t always Caring, Everlook
Re: Home and Hearth - October Issue
I’ll admit it, your methods, while disgusting to think of, really help! I was dreading the bellyaching of my passel of children this year but thanks to your suggestions I was able to bypass the tears! Can you maybe write something about how to get rid of the sniffles next?
-Relieved Housewife, Elwynn
It’s a damn good thing yer articles come after Ask Asteris! I get entertainment fer when I’m usin’ the john, an’ somethin’ to clean up after! Keep ‘em comin’, as I’m runnin’ outta paper fer mi arse. Y’know... the same place yer pull’n all these hokey ‘cures’ from!
-Sparklyclean where th’ Sundun’shine, Ironforge
Re: Falling Into the Season - October Issue
Them forsaken be a menace to any good and self respectin’ light fearin’ person! What’s all that hokey-pokey about killin’ all those who oppose them? Bah! They come down here weekly an’ slaughter our hard workin’ farmin’ men and boy-folk! And now with Hallows End on us, they’re rainin’ all those stink bombs on top of us too! Someone should take a torch t’ their rotten backsides! We don’t need t’know what those horrible creatures do to celebrate their unnatural state of bein’! We need someone t’lead a charge against them!
- Tired o’ th’dyin’ an’ th’stink, Southshore
If my daddy were alive... he’d kill that rotten old horseman!
- Just another orphan, Stormwind