Hello folks, Tilby Necronaut here to talk about the world we all call home: Azeroth. Studying the past has always been something like a passion of mine, and I’m happy to share that passion with all of you lovely people.
This month we’re going to talk about the Dwarvish Wetlands. These areas have long been under control by the Dwarves. This area first entered the civilized age when the Wildhammer leader, Khardros Wildhammer led his people to settle a new city in the mountain of Grim Batol. It was a nice city once, a lot like Ironforge, except a lot more gryphon poop.
Grim Batol was then abandoned by the Wildhammers after it was besieged by the Dark Iron Dwarves. When they returned home after defeating the the Iron Dwarves, they found it was uninhabitable, probably because the Dark Irons had drank all of the booze. Instead of importing more booze, they decided they no longer cared for the neighborhood and moved north to Aerie Peak.
A small minority of the non-city dwelling Wildhammers stayed behind and build farms on the northern side of Ironforge Mountain. These dwarves, sometimes called Highland Dwarves, are officially are part of the Ironforge Clan, but known to be even more rockheaded then their cousins.
Before too long, a joint Human-Dwarf harbor town was founded on the western coast to serve as a shipping port to transport goods between Human and Dwarven lands. It was named in honor of the King Menethil, who had been much liked by the dwarves for his ability to both rub his tummy and pat his head at the same time.
Since the Second, the Dragonmaw holed up in Grim Batol while they commandeered the Red Dragonflight to serve as flying, fiery engines of destruction. Luckily for the Reds (and probably for the rest of us), this didn’t last long, but even they weren’t dumb enough to hang around Grim Batol forever. The Dragonmaw Orcs retreated to the mountains where they are currently holed up killing many a goat and wandering dwarf.
Fun facts about the Wetlands!
The Local Murlocs make a type of alcoholic drink they call “Leburblebru”. They don’t often offer it to outsiders, which is very good since one of the ingredients is Crocolisk urine.
The Dragonmaw Orcs are named Dragonmaw despite there not having been Dragons in the world that the clan originated.
The Wetlands is part of Khaz Modan, which is the Dwarven name for all the lands on the Eastern Kingdom North of the Redridge Mountains and South of Arathi.