Re: Nuts and Bolts - January
Goblin engineering is so poorly thought out, in the end is it ever really a tough choice?
- Go Gnome or Go Home, Gnomeregan
Can I write this to Miss Dolittle? I hope she can get this letter, because I really want her to know that I think she's an absolutely amazing young woman who knows so very very very much about everything engineering, and I'm really really really impressed with her! So... I was wondering, well... Why is it that I cannot use the nuts from my goblin supplier on gnomish schematics? I mean.. they are just nuts? How different can they really be? Or is my teacher just a stick in the mud and a die hard traditionalist? Thank you!
- Nutty Nuts, Northshire
Re: Ask Asteris - January
Attention: Estranged in Exile - Really? What kind of response does someone expect from this kind of thing? You should be thinking more about your children, and less about yourself and how they are going to treat you.
- Da’Leena Q., Darnassus
Attention: Deathly. If you are having, rotting issues, as sadly, many of our kind seem to do, might I suggest speaking to some of the necromancers and flesh-weavers in the Ebonhold? There are a few who have amazing skill at... shall we say ‘restoring’ ones looks. It would save a bundle on clothing-repairs and cleaning bills, as well as provide those around you a break from the wafting scent of dead meat that surrounds the lesser-repaired of our sort.
- Happy-Rock, Honor Hold
Re: Home and Hearth - January
This section of the paper just gets duller’n’duller, can’t you find someone else t’write about this sorta thing? That Firecracker Fia-lady would do so much better’n this know nothin’, tree huggin’ long ears! Th’ least a person could do was make it INTERESTIN’! Like.. maybe a love potion, or sommat loike that! Or maybe some herbs t’elp preserve a body a lil better?
- Bored, Brill
I get terrible sick, after I use portals mostly. Earthroot potions are one of the few things I’ve found that helped. Thanks for having such useful information!
- C.D., Dun Morogh
Re: Hound About Town
I can’t believe you’re letting a Worgen write an article. I’m surprised they even know how to use writing utensils. How are we supposed to trust the taste of one of those blood-thirsty mongrels?
- Flea Free, Elwynn
I’ve gone to that ‘Hair of the Dog’ place now each day that it opens! Let me tell you what! Even their sissy froo froo girl drinks have a good hard kick! Hoo boy! Its great! The service is pretty awesome too... though the owner is, well, not to sound racist, but she’s a total bitch! I mean, damn! How much rage and snark can one snout flap off? Oh well.. that Honeysuckle lady and the dream boat Lafayette... and their bouncer! Cai? Between those three, and the drinks, a gal has all the reason in the world and more to come back again and again!
- Cured by the Hair, Dun Morogh
Re: Dragons - January
The writer of this article obviously has a biased opinion. Have the dragons aided the races of Azeroth? Yes. But we should not be sitting back waiting on their aid by any means. “They will be at our side… protecting us… as they have always done.” Is that so? I think we’d go a long way by helping ourselves. The dragons are another race, not deities, and not all of them are interested in the existence of the “lesser” races as they like to deem most of us. Quit romanticizing them!
- Steve L., Darkshire
Dragons? Dragons are reeeeeeally pretty! I really like the ones that are.. uhm... red. I know this lady who has a small red dragon as a PET! I go to her house a lot to feed it my leftovers! I asked her if I could have one some day... she said I needed to go kill the mommies of the baby dragons to get one. But that seems mean. So I thought I could do it to the black dragon mommies, since they were mean first. Mommy says that it’s a mean thing to think, but I don’t mind so much! I really want a dragon-pet... maybe you have an idea how I can do it without killing the mommies of the baby dragon so that my mommy isn’t mad?
- Suzy H, Iron Forge