
September Issue - Whispers and Rumors

Now you better be sitting down for this, honey. Wait til you hear what my sources have been telling me lately...

A drunken sailor was heard running his craw in The Slaughtered Lamb. Swearing he saw the red sails of The Mercy last he was out to sea. Infamous pirate and scalliwag, Captain Daitaro Darksquall was listed as dead by the King's navy nearly three months ago, so either the navy is missing something or you should look out for ghost ships!

There seems to be a new character of interest loitering about the Wayward Son of late and offering to read your fortune of all things. If you're looking for a glimpse of your future (or just a good chuckle) keep an eye out for Adriano Moreau. Hard to miss, he looks like the sort you find selling you women in Goldshire or the Bay!

Brother Gideone Stone has been seen handing out goods to the needy near Northshire Abbey. No one seems the least bit concerned regarding his former stay in the Stormwind Stockades. So just what are you handing out there Brother?

A woman by the name of “Phillymena” has apparently had a miscarriage and shorn off all of her hair. If you can believe that, I suppose it's a good enough way to grieve. One has to wonder if this source is eluding to the person we think they are, but I'll let you figure that one out for yourselves.

Stormwind Navy officer Jocastia Silverwright's been seen in dealings with known former and current Defias operatives. Could be a double agent? Or maybe she just likes it when her men wear masks!

Recently, a Draenei affiliated with the Servitors of Lothar bought out the Ironforge Auction House's stock of stone, leather and fuses, common components of engineered explosives. This same Draenei was seen placing some "special orders" with merchants from Undermine. What do you think a draenei would blow up, mm? Maybe they should be keeping an eye on that buffet I heard sold out last week!

A Death Knight and ghoul have been seen nosing about the Stormwind docks, looking for work. Oddly, the ghoul had been the one doing all the talking, while its "master" didn't seem to be all there. No crew has brought either of them on to work yet. Gee, we wonder why?

Word on the street has it that the Slaughtered Lamb's "Happy Hour" does not in fact run from 4:00 till 7:00, but from 12:00 till 3:00 in the morning.

Draenic engineers working on the Exodar were overheard promising that the extraplanar ship will once again regain flight capabilities "sometime next century." Keeping on task boys!

It has been rumored that The Protective Hide doesn't use animal leather for their armor, and on another note, the amount of homeless people in Old Town has dropped significantly.

I heard that certain less scrupulous couples have done the deed inside the premises of the Wayward Son- even on the bar! That claim is outrageous, to be certain, but I wouldn't eat off of there if I was you. Some people. Last week the barmaid left midshift after apparently feeling ill. Take our advice and avoid the fish, honey!

We have a report from a man who is convinced his neighbor is crazy. He claims to have heard them yelling at each other and even to have seen flashes of fire through the window. And now the woman has only got one eye and her “giant” of a man is looking twitchy. What a public menace!

A child's grave was desecrated near Hillsbrad last week. There are no suspects. Could the Forsaken at Tarren Mill have done it? No one seems willing to talk about it.

A few hands have been threading through Southshore, looking for passage elsewhere. They say something unlucky happened at the Tanner Fields, near Hillsbrad, and they won't work there any more. 'If'n the place h'ain't cursed now, it will be. Just you see. I'm gettin' out nao, afor th' haint's come f'r what's theirs.'

Ser Edgthorn Asteris and his wife are not often seen together of late. Knight-Keeper Asteris has been 'keeping' to their farmstead near the Thandol Span, while Advisor Asteris is sleeping in her offices on Kalimdor - a whole continent away! The couple were married earlier this year. Could divorce be imminent?

Three nights ago, some children outside of Southshore say they saw a 'scary black devil' creeping around outside of town. A search was dutifully made by the constables, but there was no evidence of any supernatural creature. The witnesses were switched for lying and sent to bed without their supper.

A pack of gleaners sifting through the rubble of Old Dalaran report they saw 'funny lights' coming from the ruined castle at the center of the nearby lake. They did not investigate, as the entire shoreline there is infested with murlocs.

Refugees near the Greymane Wall have reported hearing howling at night.