
October Issue - A Haunting Season

by Fiammeta Castelon

Frost clings to the cobblestones in the early morning chill, reminding us that fall is here. And with it Hallow's End comes around the corner. For some, a time to celebrate the end of the harvest. For others, a reminder of their hard won freedom. It's true that we make light of the holiday now. Painting faces and wearing masks, giving out candy. It's easy to forget that there are true monsters waiting for us. Some, closer than expected.

I decided to investigate some of the rumors that circulate. Hauntings in places that the most common among us travel daily. I am chilled by what I have found...

My first stop was a home nestled in Elwynn Forest near the town of Goldshire. Hidden among the trees it looked like an average house, two story, white washed. Fishmongers dealt on the docks outside and Adele Fielder and Helene Peltskinner teach their leatherworking and skinning trades inside, seemingly making an honest living.

A group of children ran and played outside. No one could tell me who they belonged to. I watched them for a time before they decided to head indoors. It was when I decided to follow after, that I found the disturbing nature of this home. The children had all entered one of the bedrooms.

Standing in the doorway I could see them clearly, forming a pentagram. Staring blankly, silent and unresponsive, they held this shape. I lingered, trying to discern the purpose of these actions. As I began to consider leaving this unusual home, I heard it. A scream that echoed within my mind and a clear voice that stated, “You will die.” I admit, dear readers, that I could no longer


My second stop took me to the Trade District of Stormwind. Many of you have likely stopped in at the Barber Shop, to let Jelinek Sharpshear give you that new cut or curl. But perhaps it is time you consider just how much you want taken off the top.

While my Sayaad kept Mr. Sharpshear occupied in his shop, I found my way to the small apartment he keeps above. A bit of probing about found a loose floor board, under which lay a grizzly discovery. Two skeletons found their final rest here. They looked gnomish by height and size of their skulls. One clutched in its hand what appeared to be a razor and comb. Most definitely something of gnomish technology but difficult to discern after corrosion.

I made my exit before Mr. Sharpshear could discover what I was up to. A quick visit to the Royal Factor of the City Hall was in order. He informed me that before Mr. Sharpshear took over the lease of the Barber Shop, one Sween Neetod held ownership. Mr. Neetod signed off and Mr. Sharpshear has been running the business sense. Very curious indeed. So who is the true villain? Will there ever be justice for the poor souls trapped under that floor? And will you, my readers, ever feel safe when the barber of Stormwind asks you to tip your head back for a close shave?

My third and final stop was to the Blue Recluse Tavern. Located in the Mage Quarter, of Stormwind. Several sources had told me a trainer in the tower suspected a rift is forming in the tavern itself! All trainers I questioned on this firmly denied that anything was amiss. However, I got different reactions from local patrons.

One woman claims that a week ago she was eating dinner at the Blue Recluse when something pulled her chair out from underneath her. A man reports tripping over something when nothing was there. Most other reports seem to follow the same pattern, thumps and bumps at all hours of day and night coming from areas that by all appearances are empty.

Being a student of the dark arcane, I have certain abilities at my disposal. I was able to enter the tavern after hours in attempt to see what caused these disturbances. What I witnessed were elemental or void beings the size of a large gnome (or small dwarf). They crawl upon everything and will react violently if interfered with. I urge you readers to tread with caution and take your patronage elsewhere.

In conclusion, dear readers. Let the season be a reminder to you to remain alert. Lest you fall prey to the unseen threats that populate our world.

This image was difficult to capture as the creatures are not visible to the common eye. The result is blurred and a touch grainy, but I assure you very real.

October Issue - Getting Down to Nuts and Bolts: Engineering made Fun and Easy!

by Mekgineer Davvi Dolittle

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you're doing well! If you're reading this article, then, you must have an interest in building all sorts of super neat machines and gadgets to make the lives of you, your friends and family much easier and more fun! Unless, you don't like engineering and are reading it by mistake. Either way, welcome! I hope you like what you read! I'm excited!

Safety: How to not be blown up, or Vaporized

Last month, we covered all the super neat and useful tools that engineers new and old need to work, and that was super fun, but, there are still a few things that we need to talk about, that are even MORE super important than having the right tools! That super-duper important thing is safety in the workshop and laboratory! I am very very serious when it comes to safety, because, I don't want to get hurt, or worse, get other people hurt because of a silly mistake! I bet that none of you do either! So, this month, we're going to go over some of the basics of safety, so that, the only explosions that happen are those you want to go off, and so that you stay safe during detonation!

Proper Storage and Handling Procedures:

Now, we engineers don't only use regular old metal or wood or leather when we build things. Sometimes, we use super rare and hard to find materials, and sometimes, these materials can be very dangerous when stored or handled incorrectly! There are three rules that you have to follow when storing or handling dangerous materials!

The first is, you have to really understand the nature of the material you're working with, so that you don't treat it in such a way that puts yourself or someone else in danger. For example, you might say, “Davvi! As long as I keep explosives away from fire, and as long as I don't shake them up too much, everything should be okay, right?” And, I might say back to you, yes, while it's important to keep explosives away from open flames and transport it SUPER carefully, but also, it's important to NEVER make general assumptions about dangerous engineering materials! For instance, the most powerful of explosives is Seaforium, which actually detonates when it comes in contact with water and not fire! Did you know that? If you didn't, you might have blown up your whole workshop. And the house next door!

The second super important rule is, never ever store materials in their most reactive forms! Again bringing up the case of Seaforium, while it is super reactive and explosive when it comes in contact with water, the base materials out of which it is made are by themselves nearly inert! It therefor makes a LOT more sense to store dangerous materials in their most basic, non-reactive forms to be safely combined later into the final product. While it may take more time to create a new batch of the final product this way for each project you are working on, it is NOT something you should be lazy about! It might not save you time now but it will save you fingers later! I'm talking to you, Goblin Engineers!

The final rule builds on rules one and two, in choosing appropriate storage media for your dangerous materials once you have learned about them and have already got them in their most nonreactive states. All explosives should be stored in stone or metal containment vessels or cabinets, far away from open flames and in some cases sealed against destabilizing oxidation or moisture. Some people say that Saronite, on the other hand, sort of whispers to people, and can make them act angry or scared. As a result, many engineers and blacksmiths too choose to store their Saronite ore and bars in a box or container with holy blessings put on it. I would say though, that good earplugs might work too! Even if you have to have a container specially built to safely store your dangerous materials, it is most definitely worth it, because nothing is more inconvenient than coming home to discover that your workshop has been blown into the Twisting Nether.

Proper Working Attire and Dress:

When I say, that you have to wear the proper attire, I don't mean something like formal wear, or casual wear! I mean work wear! Believe it or not, what you wear DEFINITELY contributes to your personal safety at work!

For instance, have you ever seen a seasoned mekgineer wearing a ball gown, or a tuxedo with the tails while they're working? No! They might be wearing an old pair of pants and shirt or overalls, which are my favorite. The reason for this is that loose garments can be easily caught in spinning machine parts, which can cause SEVERE injury, or even rip the clothes right off you and leave you naked! For this reason, tinkerers should wear not so loose fitting clothing, but something that hugs you a bit more. Also, for this same reason, dangly jewelry that can catch on things should be avoided as well! And also, for you girl engineers, and some of you boys too, if you have long hair, or a pony tail like me, you should pin it up into a bun or something, so that your hair doesn't get caught either! That would be SUPER horrible.

Many engineers are always seen wearing goggles, and this is not only because they're super neat and good looking! Goggles are also very practical, not only for examining different spectra of light or heat, or for magnification and targeting, but also, to keep sparks and stray metal filings and things out of your eyes! A good mekgineer will always wear a leather or rubber apron and gloves while welding, metalworking and ESPECIALLY while working with corrosive or explosive compounds! While working with dangerous materials such as these, the more skin you can cover up the better! Another important addition to the safety-wardrobe is boots that have steel or even titanium reinforced toes! This way, if something heavy were to accidentally fall onto your foot, your toes would remain safe under the strong metal cap!

Well, I really really hope that you enjoyed my article! I really really hope that you were able to learn something, even if you're not an engineer and read this article by mistake. For today, I want to remind you that every engineer has to keep safety in mind at all times, from the storage of dangerous materials to the way they dress in the workshop! A burned or pinched engineer is not a happy engineer! Be well, and, enjoy the rest of this fine publication!

October Issue - Ask Asteris

by Philomene Asteris

“I've a friend who really enjoys helping and, sometimes she thinks that the best way to help a person is to be there, and hug and hold and sometimes flowers. Actually... a lot of flowers! But... more and more, she's been yelled at and called some very rude and hurtful things for trying to be helpful! Why is it considered such a faux pas to touch a person? And how can she be helpful without coming across as if she were wanting to 'seduce' a person!? I She really just wants to be true to herself and helpful!"

Dear Hands-On Helper,

It is not merely happenstance that Compassion, of the three chiefest of the Virtues, is considered to be the most difficult to effectively implement. An overabundance of helpfulness can stifle the recipient's ability to move through obstacles on their own, and a dearth of such lends to a rather loveless sort of atmosphere and feelings of isolation. (Or so I've been told.)

If one finds oneself beleaguered with the urge to physically comfort another it would be in this person's best interests to consider how it might be received by the object of such smothering. In this way one can potentially avoid a messy scene. Or being expected to come across, as it were. Unless you're into that sort of thing, in which case I believe the Golden Veil is hiring.


“I lost a loved one in th' War.... not that he's dead or nothin', I just... lost 'im. Well, anyway, he's gone, and he ain't comin' back. Since he went an got hisself lost, it's hard f'r me to remember ta eat and breathe and be sociable. I jus' wanna crawl back inta my tomb and fill it up after me.

I don't want another man. I really don't. But I can't shake this mis'rable feelin'. Why'd he go an' leave me all alone? How do I pick up again an' keep goin'?”

Dear Left In Th' Dust,

From your letter I surmise that you are already dead; my stock advice for these instances involves reminding the person of this fact and urging them to go back into the earth. As this seems to be undesirable to you it appears I shall have to come up with something else (though I do heartily recommend this course of action).

I’ll skip past the obvious question of how, precisely, one loses a person and instead tackle the question of why such a loss would cause you to mope around. So you’re dead and your man’s gone. Things can’t get worse now, really. So you might as well go about the business of unlife and continue on out of sheer spite. Who knows? Perhaps in time you’ll catch the eye of an attractive necromancer. But clattering around in your tomb certainly isn’t going to change anything on its own, so you might as well shamble around looking for a new place to pin your hopes.


“I'm in an awkward situation. My landlady has the hots for me. She's a nice gal - for an orc - but I'm feeling a little pressure to reciprocate. Not only do I not want to get chucked out into the street, but she's got a few burly brothers I don't want mad at me, either! Unfortunately, I have this sinking feeling they'll get mad either way. How can I let her down gently without getting every bone in my (admittedly very handsome) body broken?”

Dear Danged If I Do, Danged if I Don't,

You seem to be at wit’s end, so let me lay out your options plainly. You could:

1) Confront Burly Bros. over a few pints of moonshine and tell them you don’t believe you’re good enough for their sister, but don’t know how to let her down without hurting her feelings. Follow this plea to their fiercely fraternal impulses with a request for aid. After all, they’d be doing their sister a favor and get to feel superior and helpful in the process. If they don’t come around at first, apply the moonshine more liberally.

2) Fake your death.

3) Confront Lovelorn Landlady head-on instead of reading advice columns. You know, like grown menfolk do.


“Why is it when you are below the age of thirty everyone treats you like a child? Even if you have obviously undergone more training than half of them and hold a position that should demand respect? What can I do to make them take me seriously? I already conduct myself honorably and with good sense.”

Dear Under-Aged and Over-Qualified,

You seem to be readily able to expound upon your stellar qualities, but I do not notice listed amongst them a penchant for tact or a habit of patience, both of which would serve you in good stead in this instance. You would do well to remember that training is not a substitute for experience and that if those around you do not treat you with respect, it might have something to do with the fact that you haven’t earned it. I recommend you obtain a mentor immediately. Preferably someone who can knock some more ‘good sense’ into that swollen head of yours.


“I am horribly confused. My beau wasn't involved at the time I met him, yet he and another woman were quite close. As I got closer to him, he and this other woman would speak almost all the time, when he wasn't with me, that is. Well, a few days ago, I found out that they had FEELINGS for each other, and I feel left behind!

What should I do, because I KNOW he loves me, yet I KNOW he loves her! Should I let him go, and look for someone else, or hold on and fight for all I'm worth?”

Dear Horribly Confused,

You sound like it. Please take the opportunity to re-read your missive to me, which is helpfully printed above. Go on; I’ll be here. Finished? Excellent. See how whiny you sound? Perhaps that has something to do with his recent choices. I’d be put off myself by it.

Now to business. You have two options: If he’s spending all his free time with this other woman, looks to me like he’s making his decision. If this is indeed the case, feel free to take a hint. ‘Fighting’ does no good, because as you try to alienate him from her you only serve to cause them to cleave to one another, thus forming ‘them’ and ‘you’. Kicking up a fuss will not only be undignified, but will almost always backfire.

Or you could learn to share him. If all parties are amenable to this arrangement it could be a solution well-worth pursuing. Trust me.


“What's the proper way to thank someone who brings you a gift that's meant solely to get you in trouble? Like, stolen goods, for instance. I don't want to turn her in, she's a friend... well... kind of, except that all she ever seems to do is get me in trouble! EVERY TIME I see her, it's the same thing: She suggests something that sounds totally innocuous, I agree to it, and allovasudden everyone's howling for my head - and then SHE skips off scot-free, and I'm left holding the bag!

Seriously, does she do this on purpose?”

Dear Perpetual Patsy,

You’re a great friend to her, Patsy. You agree with whatever scheme she comes up with and help her to put it into action, and then when things go south you’re always there to take the heat. And in return for your loyalty you receive... what?

Yes, she’s doing this on purpose. Now stop answering the door when she comes over, you goose.

October Issue - Home and Hearth

by Cyda Gwae'nĂ³na

In a time where it is considered easier to make your way to an Alchemists Lab, or the nearest Cathedral or Temple to cure an illness, often the simplest tried and true methods of tending common ailments have been all but forgotten. In this and the following articles I will be writing to share with those who would lend an ear, or at least wish to save a little gold, how to use the most common treatments with the highest efficiency and best outcomes. This article will not, however cover any particular herb, but rather, several different remedies for an upset stomach.

Hallow’s End is approaching fast, already children run through the streets of the various cities and small towns that dot the landscape of Azeroth in the beginnings of their costumes and dream of all the candy they will consume. Mothers wring their hands at the thought of the cries that will follow the laughter and the joyous sounds of their little ones gorging themselves sick on the sweets... and no doubt, a number of you readers too will rampage over the land to steal whatever sweets you may find in the Innkeepers' buckets. My first suggestion is to remember that too much of something ‘good’ tends to be bad. The first step to curing something, is to not put yourself in a position to need the cure. However, no doubt my warnings will go unheeded...

The first thing one could attempt while feeling ill from too much candy, is of course Peacebloom tea. It is amazing how versatile this simple, small herb is. Though, in this case I would also suggest adding ginger and mint to the blend as they are both powerful anti-nausia plants. The combination of these three will also help if you are prone to growing ill during long flights.

Another cure that is somewhat less appetizing in sound, but as sure a cure as anything an apothecary could suggest, is clay. To prepare this, all one needs is a glass of warm water and a spoonful of clay from clean earth (It is unwise to take anything from a land that is plagues into one’s body). Drop the clay into the glass. Stir until the clay is dissolved completely and drink deeply. Try not to think of what you are swallowing though, as it may be enough to make you purge your body, which leads to the next ‘cure’.

When all else fails, allow your body to purge the filth you’ve consumed. The act of vomiting is merely another way your body protects itself from toxins, ranging from bad fish, to alcohol poisoning, and anything in between. Though, as with all things, it is a dangerous thing to indulge in too often as the acids in a person’s stomach will tear their innards, weaken the heart and at times cause bleeding within. These are of course extreme cases, but something to keep in mind. After all, if you’re ill from consuming too much candy, you’ve obviously no self control to begin with.

And finally... slightly burnt toast. Something solid and bland in a person’s belly tends to do wonders for settling it and the burnt charcoal dusting over the toast will neutralize the toxins within. Granted, one would have better results if they found an actual stick or block of charcoal to chew on. However, I’m certain that the mere thought of it will set you, my reader’s stomach rolling once more.

In closing, there are numerous means to curing an ailing stomach from too much candy, and most of them rather unpalatable in the minds of my readers and so, for the final time, I strongly urge you to remember that candy will keep! You do not need to shovel as much of it down your throat in a single sitting.

October Issue - Letters to the Editor

Re: Whispers and Rumors – September Issue

We have never used anything other than animal hides in our shop and are frankly outraged at anyone suggesting otherwise. If there are less vagrants on the street perhaps the guards have been doing their job and arresting these individuals.

- The Tanner and Griffith Families, Stormwind


Re: Getting Down to Nuts and Bolts: Engineering Made Easy – September Issue

I'd certainly like to get down to nuts and bolts with that Mekgineer Dolittle! Did you see her spanner? I bet her toolbox is fully outfitted, if you know what I mean.

- Hadley Coppertop, Iron Forge

Enjoyed this article immensely. I hope you cover power tools soon!

- Eager Engineer, Exodar


Re: The Wayward Son Tavern – September Issue

Didn't the Son used to host some kinda Stag night with nearly naked women prancin' around the bar? What happened to that! Some of us fella's don't have a lot to look forward to you know.

- Turning Blue, Stormwind

I ate at the Son once and after overhearing the staff talking about the rat problem they found in the cellar found out the kabobs served that evening were made of the very same rats! I was ill for a week, I swear. I wouldn't go back if you paid me!

- Samantha Johnson, Stormwind

The Wayward Son has become a cornerstone of this city. I'm glad that it is finally being acknowledged.

- Faithful Patron, Stormwind


Re: Ask Asteris – September Issue

I love your witty and blunt responses. What a sharp quill you pen with!

- Jonah Danfel, Westfall

At: Mixed Blood. I think Asteris put it well. You are obviously suffering from your own self loathing. The races of Azeroth have had to come together to survive against threats like the Legion and Scourge. As a result we are working and living around each other much more than in the past. This will result in interracial relationships and yes at times offspring. What is wrong with this other than it apparently offends your delicate eyes? These children do not suffer for what their parents were. It is our job as a society to get over being afraid of what is different. If you cannot come to terms with this, perhaps you should indeed just remove yourself.

- Tolerant, Darnassus

At: Baking a Brat. Your name isn't Elahna is it?

- Concerned, Booty Bay

October Issue - Falling Into the Season

with Field Reporter Fiammeta Castelon

October is a busy month with plenty to keep one in the social scene. From festivals, to private parties, and tavern nights! However, before we go over the details of where the who's who will want to be this month I would like to pay some special attention to Hallow's End.

Originally Hallow's End was a celebration for the end of the harvest, with its roots in Lordaeron tradition. But I think most can attest, it's garnered a much wider and varied audience in our present day. For instance, the Forsaken have adopted this holiday and made it something very much their own. Celebrating with their mysterious Wickerman rituals, which I have been privileged to witness for myself a time or two. The following is an on scene report taken from last year's ritual:

Note: All quotations translated from their original Gutterspeak, for the ease of the reader.

I arrived outside the ruins of Lordaeron near seven forty-five in the evening. Covered in moss and twigs, I blended in well with the log I chose to set up behind. Down the slope before me I could spy the enormous Wickerman, guarded on either side by abominations. A loud cry rang out from the city.

The burning of the Wickerman will begin in fifteen minutes! Come to the festival – located just west of the Undercity – and celebrate Hallow's End and our liberation from the Scourge!”

Yes, that is what the Forsaken come together to celebrate, their freedom. It has been approximately seven years since they broke free of the will of the Lich King.

At eight o'clock the Banshee Queen herself arrived. A chilling figure full of poise and dark power, she addressed her subjects in a booming voice as the Wickerman was set aflame. Orange and gold flames licked the dark sky.

Children of the Night, heed your Queen's call! I join you in celebration of this most revered of nights – the night we Forsaken broke the scourge's yoke of oppression! It is this night that our enemies fear us the most. It is THIS night that we show our enemies what it means to stand against the Forsaken! We burn the effigy of Wickerman as symbol of our struggle against those who would oppose us. We wear the ashes of the burnt Wickerman as a symbol of our never ending fight against those who would enslave us. Now is the time to shake the world to its foundations! NOW is the time to remind those who would enslave us that we shall never yield! NOW is the time of the Forsaken! Power to the Forsaken – NOW AND FOREVER!!!”

After he had burned for some time and they echoed her cries, those present began to smear the ashes of the Wickerman over themselves. Believing that this will give them a blessing.

A chilling ritual, to be sure and also one that we should be able to respect. Do not all races deserve to enjoy their freedom? Certain individuals attempt to disrupt the Wickerman Festival from time to time, but the horde retaliates with their own distractions. Stink bombs released in the town of Southshore. Attempting to neutralize these rancid bombs keeps the hands of pranksters occupied.

Our own Alliance celebrations are now predominately touched by the magical and

whimsical. Apple bobbing, gathering candy door to door for the orphans, obtaining magical wands that transform us into all manner of ridiculous things. But there is a shadow over this merry making, The Headless Horseman.

Flying atop his nightmare steed, he hurtles flaming pumpkins at those below. Most citizens, be they Alliance or Horde, have been called on one Hallow's End or another to aid in putting out the fires he spreads in Goldshire, Kharanos, Azure Watch, Razhor Hill, Brill, and Falconwing Square.

His harsh laughter echoes in the air with his familiar cries, “Prepare yourselves the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Each of you shall pay the final sum! Cry for mercy; the reckoning has come!”

Most fear the coming of The Headless Horseman, but few look past the figure he now is. Is he some unknown demon, brought upon us? Or was he indeed, once a man. This question has plagued me, but after a trail beginning with the Scarlet Emissary to Stormwind and ending in the now hostile Monastery itself, I was finally able to uncover some answers.

The Headless Horseman was born one Tom Thomson. Few records still survive detailing the life of this man. But several facts remain. He was a Knight of the Silver Hand, who supposedly witnessed Baron Rivendare's betrayal in sending plagued grain to a village he was defending, among other atrocities. He eventually wound up with the Scarlet Crusade where, it is safe to assume, he began to go mad with zeal. Records state that he accidentally killed his own family when on a raid after which he lost any lingering sanity. Believing that he was the only that could save humanity he killed many of his comrades before he was stopped and beheaded.

Little remains beyond this death record. Nothing to explain why Sir Tom Thomson was cursed to rise each year. Still perhaps, believing that he is the only man left living in a world of undead he must purge. When it is truly he who has become the monster.

Enough of such subjects, though. Let us turn to focusing on the festive side of the season!

If you're fond of Brew, I highly recommend stopping in the snows outside Iron Forge. Brew Fest is in full swing and will be until the 5th of October! Personally I find it to be a little too “noisy.” But some of you like that type of thing. All the complimentary booze you can handle, specialty brews from a variety of vendors. And don't forget the drunken ram racing.

For those that prefer a different form of atmosphere for their brew consumption there are of course a variety of privately run taverns to be had as well. The Wayward Son tavern is located in the Park District of Stormwind. It opens every Monday from seven o'clock to nine in the evening and every Tuesday from six o'clock to eight in the evening. The Sword and Stein shares the same building and runs Thursdays from seven o'clock to nine in the evening. And of course there is Wyrmhearth over in Thelsamar, Loch Modan open every Saturday at seven o'clock in the evening.

If spinning a tale, or singing a ballad is more your style the Bardic Circle will be meeting again soon. The first Wednesday of every month folks gather around Beggar's Haunt, Duskwood. Sadly I was unable to discover what time this happens. But you can always contact Rublestrasza for more details!

The premier event of the season, in my opinion, will be the Third Annual Spooktacular. Hosted by the “Big Bad Wolf” this celebration will showcase some of the best aspects of Hallow's End. Guests are asked to arrive in costume and awards are given for best dressed at the end of the evening. Other awards are given for “Scariest Story” and the “Three-Legged” Race. And as with any event backed by the Servitors of Lothar, guests can expect free food and drink and likely dancing. The Spooktacular will take place in Raven Hill, Duskwood on the 23rd of October at seven o'clock in the evening.

Whatever you choose to do with your holiday, I pray you do it with the utmost enjoyment!

October Issue - Ads


Down the Hatch! Apothecary and Alchemical Shop

Looking to gain an edge over your foes? Trying to cure that nasty head cold? Or even simply wishing to spruce up your residence with some new fragrances?

Then stop on by Down the Hatch! We're a brand new potion shop located in the Park in Stormwind City, just across from the Wayward Son Tavern!

We stock, brew, and ship potions, elixirs, and products of all kinds for almost any need ranging from medicines to cooking herbs to weapon coatings.

Contact Maesaeloria Nash or Brommidor Stonebrow (Proprietors of DtH) for a free* product catalogue and order forms or stop on by our shop to browse around!

((*Product Catalogue and Order Forms are GHI items made specifically for our shop. Please peruse them for our list of products. Our products are all GHI items and we plan on "selling" them to any interested parties. Actual monetary exchange may or may not occur depending on personal preference. We are also actual alchemists and can create actual potions as well.



SEEKING: Songbird seeking Delivery Boy for pen pal exchange, no strings attached. Songbird does not enjoy receiving presents but does enjoy lengthy written discourse.



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