
November Issue - Around Town

with Fiammeta Castelon

October was a bustling month for events!

On the 5th of the month Nightsong Militia held a celebration for their Fourth Anniversary. Congratulations to them! The celebration was held in depths of the Stranglethorn Veil and the highlights (apart from the amazing atmosphere) were definitely the free flowing drinks.

Undercover sources report the presence of several disguised members of the Alliance at this party. However, identities will not be disclosed for these individuals safety.

On the 23rd the “Big Bad Wolf” hosted the Servitors of Lothar's Third Annual Spooktacular. As predicted, a highly entertaining evening. Festivities were kicked off with the Three Legged Race, which was very literal this season. Racers were asked to select a severed limb from a crate and attempt to run with it attached to themselves. Several guests were clearly disturbed.

After the race attendees were ushered inside for refreshments and dancing. The former consisted of what appeared to be brains and entrails (but tasted of stew) and a drink made to look like blood. After the nature of the Three Legged race some were not reassured by the host's assurances that the food only appeared to be body parts.

The evening wound down with a spooky story contest (though frankly half of the tales told were ridiculous) and ended with the announcement of who had won best costume. Ogumel the dwarf took first prize dressed as an orc. Philomene Asteris took second dressed as Whitemane (complete with an escort of what appeared to be a Doan and Locksey). Maesaeloria Nash and an unknown guest tied for third. Nash having dressed as a Sinister Squashling and the other woman as a Geist.

On the 26th there was a meeting of Silvermoon's Blood Knights. Not an entertaining event, but informative. Topics Discussed included: The retirement of Knight-Lord Seana Aesire, the murder of Knight-Lord Vaelthras Darkstrider, and the reminder that the Blood Knights are an Elite Military Force, sworn to defend and protect their people. They are not City Guardsmen.

On the 29th was Magistratus’s Second Annual Hallow’s End Masquerade. Free Flowing drinks were provided by the Wayfarers’ Rest, fortune telling to guests was provided by an unnamed gypsy. The evening was damped slightly by a robed figure who spoke of impending doom. Party goers dressed in costumes danced all through the night in the Gallows’ End Tavern.

November promises to be calmer, but there will still be opportunities for you to get out of the house!

Look forward to the Wayward Son Tavern being open weekly on Mondays from 8pm – 9pm and Tuesdays from 6pm – 8pm. The Sword and Stein will also be open Thursdays from 8pm – 9pm. Both taverns can be found in Stormwind Park.

If you crave something a little more savory for your soul Brother Gideone Stone will be holding a sermon this month. Details to be announced, watch your local sign posts!